Friday, August 22, 2008

Seven Tips for Job Hunting in an Unsteady Economy

Whether we’ve hit a recession or not, the fact remains that it’s getting harder to land a job. While we here at MetaTech are here to help you, there are seven tips to consider when looking for a job in today’s shaky economy.

1. Tailor your presentations; don't be generic.

2. Create a target list of companies. Send the list to 25 people, asking them if they can put you in touch with an employee at one of the listed companies.

3. Make yourself and your skills more visible. Post and refresh your resume in more places, such as online job boards, and going to job fairs.

4. Create an advisory board of smart and empathetic people and confer with them regularly about your job search.

5. Hone and utilize your 'elevator pitch' – a 30-second summary of your professional assets.

6. Keep your spirits high. Don't let the process overwhelm you or weigh you down.

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