Yahoo! has a few tips to avoid turning toxic that you might find helpful. They are:
- Speak up. Talk with your boss (if he or she is not the problem) and engage in a solutions-oriented dialogue. You may not be able to change the company, but you might be able to make your department a much more pleasant place to work.
- Move. Fifteen minutes of yoga or Pilates will reduce stress, increase focus and mental clarity, and improve overall well-being.
- Relax. Massage, meditation and positive visualization will reduce stress, improve circulation, remove toxins from the body, and help you sleep.
- Blow the 5:30 whistle. Don't stay in a toxic workplace any longer than absolutely necessary, and don't take your toxic job home with you. When 5:30 p.m. rolls around, leave.
- Take a break. It's actually smart to take a "mental health day" every now and then. Don't feel guilty for taking a day off to get your life back in balance.
- Get fueled. Proper nutrition is one of your best defenses. Keeping your body fortified helps to boost energy, prevent illness, and minimize the harmful effects of stress.
- Go green. Living plants enhance the air quality of indoor environments, and also have been shown to induce positive energy.
- Breathe. Recycled air in office buildings and enclosed work areas can be very unhealthy. If you have the option of opening windows, let the fresh air in! Otherwise, use air purifiers and natural aromatherapies to lift spirits and freshen the air.
- Color your world. Finally, don't underestimate the psychological impact of color. Surround yourself with greens and blues to create a sense of tranquility.
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