Monday, July 21, 2008

Think You're Underpaid? Good Luck Finding Out

You can’t talk about it. It’s extremely personal, awkward, and can severely damage relationships. No it’s not that. It’s how much money we make.

This topic has been taboo since I’m assuming the Stone Age (given that cavemen had water coolers in their offices to have such conversations around). However, if this topic is off limits, how do you know if you’re being underpaid at your current position? Sure, Ted started at the company when you did, has the same title, but how do you know that you’re making as much as him? If you ask, you risk creating some tension in an otherwise cordial relationship.

Well, Sam Grobart, senior editor at Money Magazine, has a few weapons to offer when it comes to confronting the situation of assessing the money issue. He suggests doing some online research into what the average income for your position is in your area – though he warns that these can be a bit inaccurate and shouldn’t be taken at face value.

He offers a few more pointers, but even then, I suggest navigating this minefield very carefully – and hopefully in the end all of your tip-toeing will pay off in your bank account.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice! I agree, this is a very awkward subject...
