Monday, December 29, 2008

The Power of a Simple Thank-You Note

Our moms have always tried to tell us the benefits of good manners. However, you might not have realized that saying “please” and “thank you” might actually help you land a job.

Some may consider the thank-you note as antiquated as the steam engine, but according to Monster, a thank-you note might be the thing that separates you from the rest of the applicant pool. Here are a few reasons why:
  • By sending a thank-you note, you show your interviewer common courtesy and respect.
  • So few applicants send thank-you notes that you automatically stand out if you do.
  • A thank-you note lets you make points you forgot to make in your interview.
  • A thank-you note demonstrates your written communication skills.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Five Ways Small Businesses Can Combat Cyber Crime

With all the difficulties that innately come with starting and running a small business, there is one thing that is often unseen but can be potentially the most dangerous – cyber crime.

With new technology being used commonly among businesses both locally and globally, the risk of being a target of cyber crime has risen dramatically.

Startup Nation has a few tips on how you and your company can create a 'culture of security.'
  • Assess risk and identify weaknesses
  • Back-up critical information
  • Create a contingency plan
  • Educate employees
  • Implement a security agreement.

Friday, December 19, 2008

25 Words that Can Hurt Your Resume

Remember the George Carlin routine about the seven dirty words you can’t say on television? Well, there are actually 25 words that you shouldn't say on your resume... that is, if you are looking to get hired.

This is a great article that provides examples and solutions, but is a short list of the 25 offending words:
  • Aggressive
  • Ambitious
  • Competent
  • Creative
  • Detail-oriented
  • Determined
  • Efficient
  • Experienced
  • Flexible
  • Goal-oriented
  • Hard-working
  • Independent
  • Innovative
  • Knowledgeable
  • Logical
  • Motivated
  • Meticulous
  • People person
  • Professional
  • Reliable
  • Resourceful
  • Self-motivated
  • Successful
  • Team player
  • Well-organized

Monday, December 15, 2008

Write a Great Resume in One Hour

According to Career Builder, people spend so much time trying to perfect their resume that they actually end up steering away from the objective and ultimately hurting themselves.

The article is great and approaches the whole process from a simple, pragmatic angle
. It is important to realize that your resume has only two goals: to sum up your life and your employment history. Everything on your resume should tie back to one of these two simple truths.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Using Signage to Promote Your Small Business

When it comes to marketing your small business, print and new media advertising probably come to mind. While these are effective, it is important not to overlook one thing: signage.

Startup Nation has a great article on how to use signage to your advantage
. Whether it’s a large sign outside of your physical location, or car magnets and yard signs with your company name and web address, getting your name and logo out there is one of the most important things you need to do to ensure success.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Don’t Want to Get Hired? Try doing these...

Career Builder has listed ten “red flags” that scream don’t hire me to potential employers. In today’s uncertain economy, you probably don’t need any extra help when it comes to struggling to find a job. So as an FYI, here they are:
  • Red flag No. 1: You don't have any contact information on your résumé
  • Red flag No. 2: You have long gaps between jobs on your résumé
  • Red flag No. 3: You aren't prepared for the interview
  • Red flag No. 4: You didn't provide any references
  • Red flag No. 5: You only have negative things to say about previous employment
  • Red flag No. 6: You've held seven different jobs -- in the past six months
  • Red flag No. 7: You give inconsistent answers in your interview
  • Red flag No. 8: You lack flexibility
  • Red flag No. 9: Your application was, in a word -- lazy
  • Red flag No. 10: You lack objective or ambition

Sunday, December 7, 2008

How to Find a Good Boss

Having done my rounds in many different industries – from washing dishes to working in an office environment – I know that finding the ideal boss can be as difficult as an Antarctic expedition. However, HotJobs has compiled a handy little list to see if your boss is actually on your side.
  1. Does your boss showcase your work?
  2. Does your boss solve problems?
  3. Does your boss let you complete your work?
  4. Does your boss listen to your suggestions?
  5. Does your boss treat you and your co-workers equally?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

An interesting article caught my attention during my daily research on Monster. It talks about the consequences of getting caught lying on a resume, as well as presenting the fact that over 50% of job hunters do so. I’ll let you head to the article if interested, but I thought I’d reprint the interesting anecdote that starts it off:

“When a woman we'll call Mary was offered a high-level student-services position at a prestigious college, she was thrilled to accept. But two years later, Mary was fired despite strong performance reviews and a reputation as a rising star at the college. The reason? She lied on her resume -- and got caught.

An HR initiative requiring employees to furnish college transcripts revealed Mary lied about having a master's degree. It wasn't the lack of a degree that cost Mary her job; it was her dishonesty. Unemployed and with a blown reference to boot, Mary demonstrates what can happen when you lie on your resume.”

Has anybody here ever lied or thought about lying on a resume? And if so, did you get caught?